Monday, July 03, 2006

Old Dave

You can read about my friend David Burkhart who died June 20 2006 in my Livejournal. What I didn't mention was that Dave was a prolific songwriter from 1984 to 1992 when illness cut short his career. I don't know if he ever got any published or if anyone ever sang any of them. I have a collection of them that I saved from the Social Worker who cleaned out his apartment when he got sick in 1992. They are just the lyrics. Dave didn't write music. I don't know if he ever got anyone to write tunes for his songs.

Anyway I have set up this blog as a memorial to Dave. What better way to honor him than with his own words. These songs or poems have sat in a black trash bag in my cellar for over 10 years just the way the Social Worker left them for the garbage. I wasn't able to save all of Dave's stuff but this one bag seemed too important at the time to end up in a landfill.

Old Dave

Old Dave, he don't work for nothing
And nothin' don't work for Old Dave.
He's tired and his body is weary;
The rat race has made him a slave.

Old Dave, he married a woman
And Old Dave thought he had it made,
But his woman took off for California
Leaving big bills for Old Dave to pay.

Dave decided to become a contractor;
He lasted one year at his trade.
Old Dave, he found out the hard way.
Makin' money isn't easy these days.

Dave decided to take up the guitar
He learned three chords then he quit.
His fingers were sore to the elbow;
He just got disgusted with it.

(c) 1988 David Burkhart, Ray Sanders


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